Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gives me hope

Okay so I had a friend email me the address to this website the other day and I'm completely obsessed. I knew I would be addicted because in the description it reads, "Like FML, but for optimists!" Okay. So the website is and it's truly magical. Basically, it's about random acts of kindness that people see and write about how that "give them hope".
Sitting here and reading them, I couldn't help but to stop and think about what gives me hope. What inspires me? And I've come to the conclusion. Other than God, who completely inspires me to do my best at everything I do, my friends and family are my ultimate hope. My friends at school who, knowing I have a bad day go on a dinner date with me. My friends who plan Spring Breaks with me even in February. My sisters who send me random texts that help me through my day. My mom and dad who call me just to say hi, or send me letters on Valentine's Day that sing princess tunes. My sister who skypes with me and texts me about stuff that only I would find funny. My boyfriend who is always there for me no matter the case and who loves me jut for being me. And finally, everyone else that I encounter on a daily basis. Those that are happy, sad, laughing and simply walking by give me hope. Because it's God's way of showing me the beauty in other people, and it truly makes me HOPE that when people see me, they see the same beauty reflecting in my actions.
I always wonder what people see when they look at me. Isn't it a crazy thought that what you see in yourself is possibly completely different from what other people see in you? I can only hope and pray that what people see is a strong willed, independant, and fun girl who reflects God's image to the best of her ability. Although I'm not perfect and I never will be, I can atleast try to have a beautiful spirit.
Stay Hopeful,

err..Spring Break?

Today's weather: 40 degrees and cloudy. It snowed last weekend. And tomorrow marks the beggining of my SPRING break? whoa, there's something new from high school.
Although I truly shouldn't complain because I am SO pumped. This week marked midterms and it was hectic. I just conquered a linguistics and a french test in the same day after an all nighter last night. The good news is that I'm pretty sure I atleast made B's on both of them which is an improvement from the last linguistics test! yayy!
I guess I have a lot of updating to do. Let's rewind to last weekend. I went to Clemson to celebrate mine and Chad's Valentines Day and it was a much needeed weekend with him! Now for the moment you've been waiting for..i'm sure. What was my brilliant Valentine's Gift? I don't know the proper name for it, but for lack of a better word, let's call it a "memory box." In it, I put 365...yes that's right, Three hundred and sixty five little notes: bible verses, quotes, song lyrics, and memories. Now, Chad can read something from me every day of the year. Precious, right?!

Chad and Justin cooked for me and Brittney this weekend, and I must say that it was pretty delicious. Good job, boys! The only down side is that now we have to return the favor. Oh goodness.
Okay blogfans, I'm off to take a MUCH needed nap. Hope everyone has a safe and semi-warm Spring Break!
Much love,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beautiful People

Sitting in the common room tonight (my common hang out these days), studying/not studying with some good friends, I came to the conclusion that I have been blessed to know some of the most beautiful people in the whole entire world. Not only physically, but my friends have the prettiest souls and spirits that simply make me smile and laugh without them even trying. I truly feel like that's what God has been trying to tell me all of these years throughout my constant struggle with physical appearance; it's TRULY what's on the inside that counts.
1 Peter 3:3-5 tells us "Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is SO precious to God."
Gentle and Quiet Spirit. hm. That's a thought. I really wish society would get this stick thin, tall and tan image away from us and teach the Word. The beautiful parts of you lie WITHIN you. Not OUTSIDE of you. It's about time God taught me that lesson, and as I grow closer to him as well as my beautiful friends, I'm learning a little more about it on a daily basis.
Next time you look in the mirror, think about your inward beauty and it might change what you see a little.
Much Love,

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Pi-tastic weekend and life's little mishaps

What a weekend. While all of you were playing in the 6-9 inches of snow received Friday afternoon what was I doing? I was in a car riding through all of this for 5 hours. Oh, DLC. I must really love ADPi. But it was an absolutely AMAZING weekend! I had such an awesome time with my sisters (although not all of us made it) and absolutely can't wait to get more involved in my sorority and the sisterhood that gets stronger everyday. I couldn't have asked for better Valentines..(except for you, Chad.) Once we returned to PC yesterday afternoon, I gunned it to my hot date with James Tomasson. You know...the library. What an awesome Valentine's night.
So, from the good to the bad we go. Leaving lab today, I was heading to the library; sprits high, in a good mood because linguistics was cancelled and because lab let out an hour early...when all of a sudden, I find myself slipping on unseen ice, on my butt, with my phone flying in the air. And of course, it landed on the screen, and of course the screen is cracked. Awesome afternoon, huh?
Well, on the bright side, atleast it has character now. And a funny story.
This weekend cannot come fast enough. It has been nearly 3 weeks since I've seen Chad and I'm going a little crazy. Three weeks may not seem like a long time to some of you, but to me, it's a lifetime. I just have to make it through Student Council Speeches, Elections, and a Bio test. I can do this, right?!
Speaking of Student Council elections, I am running for Sophomore Class President and I am pumped! Let's hope the rest of my class feels the same way. Wish me luck!
Much (Pi) Love,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Roses are Red, Sugar is Sweet...

...I'll be back Sunday, I'm goin' to Tennessee!
Okay, so maybe a forced rhyme, but you get the point.

While I could be celebrating Valentine's day this year with my boyfriend, I get to do something just as cool. I get to celebrate with quite possibly some of the best Valentines a girl could ask for. Her sisters. :) This weekend is DLC for ADPi in Knoxville, TN, and I'll be spending my weekend with some pi-tastic people, if I do say so myself. (Don't worry Chad, I'll miss you.)
While on the topic of Valentine's Day, I might as well go ahead and say it. My present for my boyfriend is pretty sweet. And I'm making it all by myself. Although I would squeeze out all the details on here, he reads my blog, thus defeating the purpose of sharing this wonderful gift idea with you all. However, once next weekend is over, you can bet that I'll be posting pictures! I will tell you this; it makes Callie gag and it makes Sarah say "presh." get the picture.

Not much has been going on in the exciting town of Clinton, South Carolina this week. Just the usual cold and windy weather followed with a high chance of rain. (Although, It didn't rain on pin attire day this week. For once.)
I did successfully give my speech though! And i must say, I think I picked a pretty sweet topic; How to Read Body Language. Cool, right? Well, atleast I though so.
That's all for this week, but I'll be sure to post pictures up after DLC (District Leadership Conference for specification) this weekend!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! And remember to share the love.
Much love,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

But what if I'm BORING?!

"How to...write a blog." no, no, that's not it.
"How to...make an A in linguistics." no, definitely not.
"How to..." ugh.

Sitting and staring at my blank sheet of paper, I have come to a conclusion. I am perhaps the most boring person on the face of the Earth. Okay, so for public speaking our latest assignment is to give an informative speech. For those of you who don't know what exactlty that entails, it's either a "How To" speech or a speech that tells a story about something. Well, this girl right here has been brainstorming for about the last 2 days and I've come up with didly squat!
So for anyone that reads this, please help me. Otherwise I might just be standing in front of my class giving on a speech on how to be boring. Good gracious.

Much Love,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life's Little Miracles

.Bad Days.
We all have them. Well, today was definitely the worst one I've had in a while.
Let's just say that after a less-than impressive linguistics test, I had what one would call a "mental breakdown" in front of my linguistics professor. Not only was I humiliated, but I was just flat out mad at myself. I simply wanted to talk to him about my test when, all of a sudden, I couldn't stop crying! so so so humiliated. Poor Dr. Brent didn't know what to do, he just kind of sat there and looked at me then kindly told me to come by his office Friday to talk about it. Wow, way to go, Emma. sheesh.
THEN to add insult to injury, I got hit by a sudden wave of homesickness. It seems like just all of a sudden I wanted to pack up my car and just go home. (Which, I am this weekend. Hmm...maybe I'm just antsy.) I just called my poor mother and cried. But wait, there's a light at the end of this tunnel!
The one thing that absolutely amazes me is how once I stop, take a breath, and look around me, I realize that my life is completely full of little tiny miracles. I like to call these miracles my friends. Completely discouraged, I walk into Belk lobby only to find some of the sweetest girls in the world sitting and talking and immediately find myself feeling better. A little vent session and a few tears later, I was completely back to myself. Yeah, still a little homesick and partially upset, but I'm back. And it's all thanks to my little miracles that God blesses me with on a daily basis. I definitely had an epiphany of how wonderful everything around me is. I've found God in so many places and people lately that it's so miraculous; a phonecall from my boyfriend, the ladies of Belk and Clinton, my sorority sisters, the smiling face of the lunch ladies in GDH, and a pack of peanut butter m&ms shared with friends. It all sounds silly, but I can't help but to stop and just thank God for all of these little blessings that are constantly surrounding me.

Psalm 3: 3-4
"But You, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts my head high. I cried out to the Lord and he answered me from his holy mountain."

Remember that things aren't always as bad as they seem. Whenever the times get tough, take a look around and simply take in all of life's little miracles. It might help more than you think.
Much Love,

Monday, February 1, 2010

On a scale from 1 to 13...

Rate your qualities that you look for in a spouse.
Your Characteristics to pick from?:

Good Housekeeping
Good earning capacity
Religious Orientation
Exciting Personality
College Graduate
Kindness and Understanding
Desire for Children
Physical Attractiveness
Good Heredity
Good Health

Simple task, right? Not for second guessers like myself.
So we had to do this for psychology yesterday, and it really opened my eyes to a few things. I know you're wondering what my list was, right? Well, although I won't list my rankings, I will tell you one thing. I'm ashamed. I did the whole ranking thing without seriously analyzing everything and what I valued and my result was shameful. As I looked at my completed checklist today in class, i realized that I had not only ranked Religious Orientation 7th, but I ranked it below physical attractivenes and exciting personality. Seriously? Religious Orientation...CHRISTIAN...believer. I ranked it SEVENTH?! What am I thinking? After some serious reflection I have come to the conclusion that, unfortunately, we are a shallow bunch of people. Wanna know why? My professor revealed the average results for both Men and Women and guess what ranked LAST. yepp. Religious Orientation. For some reason, I was completely astonished. For men, physical attractiveness was ranked 3rd and for women, it was ranked 6th. How are we so concerned with what our spouse looks like, if they can cook, if they graduated college...all above God? Who do we think we are? So mistake me if i'm generalizing but quite frankly I'm embarrassed. Yeah, I know not everyone in America is a believer, but 13th? that's just silly.
So enough of my ranting, i guess. On to the good news! I survived last week! Now just to wait out the grades..sheesh. Just a few updates on the here and now in good ole "Clinnon":
We got snow this weekend! (no, it didn't stick. it turned into ice. lame)
Semi-formal was absolutely amazing!
McDonalds is slowly making it's come back...I'm praying itll be up by finals.
Yours truly is now a sterling. Yepp. Those cool kids giving tours around campus? That's me.
ADPi had an eat-a-thon for Ronald McDonald House last Thursday and it was so fun and we had an awesome turn out. Thanks all!
I worked out for the first time today since last Monday. I really need to do better. sheesh.

Okay, I'm running late for Bible Study. Hope everyone has an awesome week and a safe weekend!
PS: look for some attached pics of semi formal!
Much Love,