Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fully Committed.

What does it mean to be fully committed to something? Giving it your all? Not giving up no matter the circumstances? Perservering through challenges to get to something much better...or something that you're unsure of?
The past few weeks have taught me what being fully committed to the Lord is, and it's been one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn.
So a few weeks ago I battled the whole "where does God want me" battle. I struggled with what he wants me to do and what he has laid out for my life. Being a Type A personality, I like to have everything in check. I dot my "i"s and cross my "t"s twice then look over my list once more. I like having a plan and I like when everything goes accordingly. However, I think I've decided that God is a type B personality. Even if He has a plan for my life, he spontaneously drops it on me and expects me to make do...something not so easy for us Type A personalities. However, this summer has taught me that going with the flow is just something I need to learn to do. Trusting God to show me what to do and expecting him to fight my battles along the way is so scary yet so inticing at the exact same time. Put all of my faith in this one God and expect him to take care of me for eternity. Simple command...difficult follow through.
I've officially been back at school for a week and I've been SO busy. Bluefish meetings and orientation activities have left me exhausted yet pumped up for my Sophomore year of college. Although coming in this year I have a complete different view of what I want to do with my life versus my plan last year (Biology is just not the major for me.), I am confidant that God is going to show me where he wants me. Until then, I just have to trust in him completely and pray that I have the patience to stay along for the ride until His plan falls into place. Do I know where I'll be a year from now? A week from now? Tomorrow night? No. But I have to just trust that God DOES and he knows what's best for me better than anyone else.

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and from wrath; do not fret- it only leads to evil, for evil men will be cut off but those who Hope in the Lord will inherit the Land."
Psalm 37: 7-9

Pray for Patience and Trust in your amazing God.
Much Love,

PS: Classes start tomorrow and I could really use some prayers up to JC for some focus and stress-relievers this semester.

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