Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Wall

"Here's the truth--and this one is thouroughly Biblical: throughout life, you will face one situation after another that will be completely beyond what you can handle. Situations that force you to make a choice--either abandon God or worship him in the midst of a Plan B situation."
-Pete Wilson, "Plan B"
Okay, so my birthday was over Thanksgiving break and it was great. But ever since I've been back at school, it's really hit me just how OLD I'm becoming. The years of relying on Mom and Dad for everything are quickly dissipating and I've come to the point in my life where my decisions are MINE to make. Mom and Dad don't have much say anymore, because ultimately, my decisions affect me now. I really hate saying I'm twenty years old. I miss having the "teen" on the end of my age. Seriously. So, with this "old" age, I've been praying and growing through this book called "Plan B" by Pete Wilson. If you have not read it, please get it. The book is about what to do when your plan and God's plan don't correlate with each other--what to do when "Plan A" has to become "Plan B". The book has been so convicting because, as you know from reading my blog, I've always been the type that wants to have control over every situation possible...right down to where I'll be in 15 years, no big deal.
Well, the chapter I'm currently praying through is called "Darkness," and in it, Pete talks about a metaphorical "wall." Here are some of Pete's quotes that God has really used to open my eyes to the reality that those decisions I talked about earlier aren't really mine to make anymore.
  • "A difficult truth to grasp is the reality that God loves us enough to strip us of anything that keeps us from him. Often, these things are good things. But, if for some reason they are keeping us from knowing God as we should, he may take them out of our lives."
  • "The Wall represents Our will meeting God's will face to face...fundamentally, it has to do with slowly breaking through the barriers we have built between our will and a newer awareness of God in our lives."

Within the past few months, God has really been revealing to me a lot of idols in my life, and "stripping" me of them in order to show me that I need to focus on him. Luckily, Pete's book came at just the right time. As I prepare for many changes in my life here at PC, I just pray that God helps prepare me for my "Plan B" situations...which he already has in the form of summer plans. I really have a strong desire to work in an office with a high paying salary and benefits and weekends off, etc.. But God has really placed it in my heart to work in my church. So today, I applied for an internship with NewSpring in Florence and whizzed on by the application for the office in Florence doing Secretary work where I can stare at Facebook all day. Although to you, this sitauation may not seem like such a big deal, but to me, it's taking a huge step of faith. You see, I'm not notified if I get the internship or not until April. That leaves me 3 weeks to find an alternative plan if that's not what God has in mind for me...and a whole lot of waiting without knowing time between now and April 18th.

So basically, the whole point of this entry was to tell you to:

A) Go get Pete Wilson's "Plan B". right now.

B) Pray for this girl and her summer plans. And her inability to hand decisions over to anyone else.

C) Allow me to pray for you. I pray that you hand your decisions over to God and let him do with them what He wants. I pray that you trust God and that you take a step of faith and you see Him deliver in miraculous ways. I pray that for all of us, including myself.

Much Love,


PS: Exams are next week. Prayers up to the Big Guy much appreciated.

Peace and Blessings, Peace and Blessings

1 comment:

  1. heyy i would like to know more about you if you dont mind mail me
