Tuesday, November 9, 2010

True Life: I haven't blogged in 2 months

In an attempt to avoid a 8 page blogpost updating you on what's been going on, I'm just going to show you all in picture.

A) Mallard Ball!!
For those that don't know, Mallard Ball is an ADPi function in which everyone dresses up in Camo and just has a great time. This year it was at Clinton House and the band, Big Swig, proved to be so much fun. Below is my beautiful pledge class! My Hott Date

B) Dukes of Hazzard

C) BID DAY! The best day in the whole world. The theme this year was "Just Did It" and it consisted of sweat bands, neon sunglasses, and some really awesome t-shirts.
Below is my fam, before we received our two new babies!

My awesome pledge class showin' off our pledge class swag

My wonderful new little sister, Kate! She rocks!

D) Halloween: me and my 101 sisters along with our President, dressed up as the 101 dalmations and Kat dressed up as Cruella Deville. Pretty amazing, huh?

E) Parents Weekend: First of all, may I just point out that Kate and I wore matching dresses and it was completely unplanned...we would.

My wonderful mom and step dad! They are amazing!

So there you go, the past two months.
I'll blog more when I have the time.
Much Love,
PS: 17 days until I'm 20!

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