Hope everyone had a marvelous MLK weekend. I know I sure did! So last week I spent the majority of my nights painting..(yes mom, after homework). What was I painting you ask? A cooler! But, to go ahead and clear up the obvious question...NO i did not go to a mountain weekend. It was for Chad's Christmas/Birthday present because well...his Christmas present was just a disaster thanks to faulty processing and not enough merchandise. I'll save that one for another entry. I must say that I am quite impressed with myself. I've always grown up with ZERO art skill. I never colored in the lines, painted by number, or anything of the sort. I'm the girl that is jealous of you people out there with amazing handwriting because well, you see, I write like a guy. Lovely. Okay, so as I ventured out to design said cooler, I was astonished with this group on Facebook called "The Cooler Connection". It's this group that college kids in SC post pictures of the different coolers they've done I guess to spark some inspiration in those of us not so gifted..ehm. So after approximately 20...yes you heard right...I spent nearly 20 hours on this dumb cooler, I came out with a pretty decent looking cooler. At least that's what my hall-mates said. And the best part was the Chad loved it! You know...even though he wasn't surprised. Apparantly I'm not as sneaky as I thought. Anyways, to my disappointment, how long does it take my wonderful boyfriend to chip the entire handle off of one side? ohh...about 24 hours. After I wanted to cry a little, I patched it up and will just have to see the damage next time I go to Clemson.
So thinking about the cooler really got my inspirational juices flowing, and, being the English major that I am you know I had to find some sort of symbolism in this whole process. I really can relate it to my life sometimes. It seems like I spend so much time working on these little projects: homework, speeces for class, journal entries...even to the bigger stuff like final projects, studying and well...coolers. In the end, nothing is going to be perfect. The paint is going to chip, the sides are going to get scraped up, and well...sometimes the top just might fall off. But in the end, I'm still gonna be here. I may have some wear and tear on me, but I still have a purpose; just like Chad's chipped cooler.
Hope you all have a fantastic short week!
Much Love,
OH! I've attached the pics of the cooler below. Check it out and tell me what you think!
I love the sayings on that cooler! Nice job, Emma =D