Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What is Grammar? uhh...

I have news for you all! Being an English Major is hard. Today began the start of my second semester of college, and must I say that it is going to be quite different than the first. Let's just talk about this little class they like to call linguistics. My description of the class? Let's just say that, apparantly, there are many more definitions for the word "grammar" than I ever imagined. Yeah. Try 15 pages worth of an explanation purely for that one word. On one hand it's absolutely horrifiying that I'm taking a class meant for Junior and Senior english majors, but on the other, it's provided me with some sort of motivation. So what if I'm a freshman? I just might surprise myself and pull out a (somewhat) decent grade in the class. I'm taking the challenge! (One of the biggest I've ever taken on, I believe) Just to give you an idea about the level of difficulty of this class I present to you Exhibit A: My conversation with Holtie upon taking my seat:
Me: "Holtie! I'm so nervous about this class."
Holtie: "I know. Me too! My advisor advised me that there's always summer school."

...SUMMER SCHOOL?! I never intended to have to take a class in summer school! Okay, so with my heart beat racing a little faster than normal, the professor enters and has this lovely convo with the class...

Prof: "So...what have y'all heard about this class? That it's hard? Impossible? That you're probably going to fail? ....Well...yeah."
FAIL?! Two concepts I've never ever begun to imagine. SUMMER SCHOOL and FAILING! WHAT IS THIS?!
So, unfortunately, blogfans, I have to say that I probably will not be on this blog as much this semester. Bio, Psych, and Linguistics? Hello Library...Goodbye Social Life.

On a plus note, I have finalized the rooming situation for next year and I must say I'm pretty pumped. Me, Callie, Sarah, and Blythe are planning on being suitemates, and my dear Callie and I will be roomies. Can't wait!

Goodluck with your classes, everyone!
Much Love,


  1. girl you got this...we can study for linguistics and psychology together! it won't be that bad :)

  2. Bloggers will take over PC one day, Sarah, I'm quite sure!
    Mary Ellis told me that she was in that class. It sounds so interesting, but I'm not an English major so I'm not going to take it. Bust best of luck, and if you find anything lingustically interesting, you know that I'm your nerd who wants to hear it =]
