Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Getting readjusted

isn't easy. You know, since being back at school I've really begun to realize that coping and changing with different things never stops. We're always put into new situations and repeatedly asked to cope and/or adjust to it. Why don't things simply stay the same?
We go from school to school every 3-4 years, we change friends, we change classes, sometimes we move, sometimes we have to adjust to new people in our lives...Is life just one big adjustment? Since I've been back at PC after Christmas break, i've had a lot of time to just sit and reflect on the adjusting i've done and it's astonishing. Even more, it's scary at just how much more change is to come down the road. I'm deathly afraid of know, in case you couldn't tell. This whole new class schedule has just thrown me off my rocker completely. New Classes, New Professors, New Classmates...geez. Can't a girl catch a break? But at the same time I know I have to step back and realize that God will never let me get off my path to where I'm supposed to be. Change is inevitable. While I'm changing, I might as well call on him to lead me in the right direction...right?
So this last week has been really eventful! I found out I made the Dean's List, found out that I get to go to Knoxville in February with ADPi for District Conference, and got accepted to be a Sterling! (those people that give tours around campus) It's a little stressful to think about how busy my schedule is quickly getting but at the same time it's amazingly exciting to think about all the amazing opportunities I'm going to have in the next few years. I've never been a big fan of New Years Resolutions but I will just call this a "goal". I'm going to try to focus on the NOW and not the future. Focus on my classes THIS semester, my grades THIS semester, and my opportunities THIS semester. Then we can worry about next, right? Wish me luck, everyone! Happy Changing!
Hope everyone is having a good week and good luck with new classes!
Much Love,


  1. hey! congratulations! that's so exciting! happy blogging! :)

  2. Just when I get my schedule memorized, the semester is over and I have a new one to get adjusted to.
    Happy spring semester, Emma!
