Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Major" Excitement

So as I was doing my weekly browsing of the planner I came to the realization that the next 2 months of my life are completely planned out. Every weekend there is something to do; whether it be with ADPi or Easter Break...wanna know the weird part?! I'm SO excited about it all! Granted, that only means that Exams are approaching quickly, but at the same time, it means that summer is closer, as well!
Last week, I went and met with my new advisor and officially declared my major! You are now in the presence of an English with an emphasis with Creative Writing major; basically a long way of saying English with a focus in writing. I can't tell you HOW excited my advisor made me about making it official. Most everyone I talk about it with thinks I'm crazy because I'd rather read a book and write a paper than study for Biology..whatever. Anyways, it feels so weird that it's all official.
On another exciting note, I made my potential schedule for next semester and I am PUMPED! Listen to this: No classes ANY DAY of the week before 11, only one class on Thursdays and Fridays, and only 2 on Tuesday. Oh yes. And with the exception of Poetry class on Tuesdays, I'm done everyday by 3. I couldn't have asked for a more ideal situation..and I truly hope that it works out in my favor. I guess we'll see how it goes!
This weekend is Crush Party for ADPi and the theme is "Throw Down for your Hometown" and I am so so so excited. Representing the good ole town of Darlington, I will be modeling the best Nascar gear around. Oh yes, get excited for the pictures.
Anyways, I guess I better get back to Biology...PTL that it's my last science class EVER!
Much Love,

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