Sitting in the common room tonight (my common hang out these days), studying/not studying with some good friends, I came to the conclusion that I have been blessed to know some of the most beautiful people in the whole entire world. Not only physically, but my friends have the prettiest souls and spirits that simply make me smile and laugh without them even trying. I truly feel like that's what God has been trying to tell me all of these years throughout my constant struggle with physical appearance; it's TRULY what's on the inside that counts.
1 Peter 3:3-5 tells us "Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is SO precious to God."
Gentle and Quiet Spirit. hm. That's a thought. I really wish society would get this stick thin, tall and tan image away from us and teach the Word. The beautiful parts of you lie WITHIN you. Not OUTSIDE of you. It's about time God taught me that lesson, and as I grow closer to him as well as my beautiful friends, I'm learning a little more about it on a daily basis.
Next time you look in the mirror, think about your inward beauty and it might change what you see a little.
Much Love,
Love this post! You're so right. Beauty comes from God and God made each of us beautiful- outside but especially inside. Thanks for this post, I needed to hear it!