Your Characteristics to pick from?:
Good Housekeeping
Good earning capacity
Religious Orientation
Exciting Personality
College Graduate
Kindness and Understanding
Desire for Children
Physical Attractiveness
Good Heredity
Good Health
Simple task, right? Not for second guessers like myself.
So we had to do this for psychology yesterday, and it really opened my eyes to a few things. I know you're wondering what my list was, right? Well, although I won't list my rankings, I will tell you one thing. I'm ashamed. I did the whole ranking thing without seriously analyzing everything and what I valued and my result was shameful. As I looked at my completed checklist today in class, i realized that I had not only ranked Religious Orientation 7th, but I ranked it below physical attractivenes and exciting personality. Seriously? Religious Orientation...CHRISTIAN...believer. I ranked it SEVENTH?! What am I thinking? After some serious reflection I have come to the conclusion that, unfortunately, we are a shallow bunch of people. Wanna know why? My professor revealed the average results for both Men and Women and guess what ranked LAST. yepp. Religious Orientation. For some reason, I was completely astonished. For men, physical attractiveness was ranked 3rd and for women, it was ranked 6th. How are we so concerned with what our spouse looks like, if they can cook, if they graduated college...all above God? Who do we think we are? So mistake me if i'm generalizing but quite frankly I'm embarrassed. Yeah, I know not everyone in America is a believer, but 13th? that's just silly.
So enough of my ranting, i guess. On to the good news! I survived last week! Now just to wait out the grades..sheesh. Just a few updates on the here and now in good ole "Clinnon":
We got snow this weekend! (no, it didn't stick. it turned into ice. lame)
Semi-formal was absolutely amazing!
McDonalds is slowly making it's come back...I'm praying itll be up by finals.
Yours truly is now a sterling. Yepp. Those cool kids giving tours around campus? That's me.
ADPi had an eat-a-thon for Ronald McDonald House last Thursday and it was so fun and we had an awesome turn out. Thanks all!
I worked out for the first time today since last Monday. I really need to do better. sheesh.
Okay, I'm running late for Bible Study. Hope everyone has an awesome week and a safe weekend!
PS: look for some attached pics of semi formal!
Much Love,
Cute pictures!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the Icy Wonderland and hope that you didn't slip on the ice. Yours truly almost did on the ramp outside of the library... don't judge me! hahaha.
Miss having class with you! Hope French is treating you well =]